Результаты поиска

  1. hacxx

    Bigbasket.com Database Leaked November 2020 - Free Download

    In November 2020 the grocery shopping site Bigbasket suffered a data breach. The database contains 20 million user information such as name, phisical address, email, sha1 hashed password, birthplace between other info. Download 1: http://j.gs/19214853/bigbasket-database-leaked-november-2020...
  2. hacxx

    Darknet Security & Hacking Readers Digest

    A reader for Darknet Security & Hacking... Choose one of the languages below to get content on that language. Select language: Arabic - http://gigapeta.com/dl/9682305a2999f7 English - http://gigapeta.com/dl/9682308a81d68e French - http://gigapeta.com/dl/9682309a209b68 Georgian -...
  3. hacxx

    8Fit.com Partial 1.1M Email:Pass Dehashed January 2021 - Free Download

    In July 2018, the health and fitness service 8fit suffered a data breach. The data subsequently appeared for sale on a dark web marketplace in February 2019 and included over 15M unique email addresses alongside names, genders, IP addresses and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. On the news...
  4. hacxx

    8Fit.com - 500K Partial Out Of 20.2 Million database dehashed - Free Download

    In July 2018, the health and fitness service 8fit suffered a data breach. The data subsequently appeared for sale on a dark web marketplace in February 2019 and included over 15M unique email addresses alongside names, genders, IP addresses and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. On the news...
  5. hacxx


    Re-Uploaded: (27/04/2021) http://j.gs/19214853/dehashed---database---collection http://gestyy.com/euH6vt http://bc.vc/SdnnBSh https://lnkload.com/2uRvo https://oke.io/uvoar9o
  6. hacxx

    [REPOST] zAnti 3.19 – Android Wireless Hacking Tool - Free Download

    zAnti is an Android Wireless Hacking Tool that functions as a mobile penetration testing toolkit that lets you assess the risk level of a network using your mobile device for free download. This easy to use mobile toolkit enables IT Security Administrators to simulate an advanced attacker to...
  7. hacxx

    MangaFox Database leaked July 2016 - Free Download

    Note: The data is unverified... In approximately July 2016, the manga website known as mangafox.me suffered a data breach. The vBulletin based forum exposed 1.3 million accounts including usernames, email and IP addresses, dates of birth and salted MD5 password hashes. Compromised data: Dates...
  8. hacxx

    QuiteRSS (Groups)(Hacxx Underground Edition) - Free Download

    Easy tool to collect messages from NNTP Groups and others. Hacxx Underground Edition :) Download: http://gigapeta.com/dl/9676827a81f949 https://ddownload.com/733d5nnqd014/QuiteRSS_(Groups)(Hacxx_Underground_Edition).zip Virus Scan...
  9. hacxx


    On the news: US - https://www.businessinsider.com/stolen-data-of-533-million-facebook-users-leaked-online-2021-4 RU - https://www.rt.com/news/520068-facebook-personal-data-millions-leaked/ Note: The links below are working and aren't mine. Download: Afghanistan - http://gestyy.com/euYCmo...
  10. hacxx

    Tools of the Trade > Earnings Schemes 2021 v1.7

    More about Tools of the Trade? pm me Download 1: http://j.gs/19214853/earnings-schemes-2021 http://gestyy.com/euT9lo http://bc.vc/oRsCRa4 Download 2: https://uploadrar.com/f9xofht0toiw https://ddownload.com/zidfh3e16wq0/Hacxx_Earnings_Schemes_2021_v1.7.rar...
  11. hacxx

    [Emails4Hits] Paginas Amarelas Full Mail Dump hacked 14 of October of 2019 - Free Download

    In 14 of October of 2019 Paginas Amarelas suffered a scrape attack and full mail dump was extracted containing 80k emails nevertheless after removing duplicates only 14k emails were present. Download: http://destyy.com/w50BL9 https://ddownload.com/38gxutd8famb
  12. hacxx

    Hacxx Chat Poster v1 - A poster to increase views

    Hacxx Chat Poster v1 is a project that i start and re-start multiple times. At first was a search dork then i convert to a cse api call and then at the end i had to go back to search dork as rules tend to be so slim that it affects the search results. Essencially i made a html webapp where the...
  13. hacxx

    Hacxx VPN FREE for Android - Protect your privacy in public networks

    - Protects your phone ip on public networks - Route traffic in a private node - Bypass any web filters - For Android only - FREE Download: https://uploadrar.com/jqhrt28dbgyp https://dropapk.to/ht26zu8c5hvo Virus Report...
  14. hacxx

    CryptoTab Browser - Easy way for Bitcoin Mining

    Got paid from CryptoTab. Install and start earning btc with your browser... Download: http://bit.ly/2OjsfHX
  15. hacxx

    CryptoTab Browser - Easy way for Bitcoin Mining

    Got paid from CryptoTab. Install and start earning btc with your browser... Download: http://bit.ly/2OjsfHX
  16. hacxx

    How to start playing at FreeBitcoin

    Win Free Bitcoins every hour! - www.freebitco.in
  17. hacxx

    Atspace.com database leaked 19 April 2021 - Free Download

    In 19 April of 2021 the web hosting site Atspace.com operate by AttractSoft GmbH suffered a data breach. The data breach exposed their customers info. The leaked details include ip, email and password. Note: This leak only include email and password. Download 1...
  18. hacxx

    Exodus.com database leaked 20 April 2021 - Free Download

    In 20 April of 2021 the popular crypto wallet for windows and mobile "Exodus" suffered a data breach. The data breach exposed 96k customers and their respective info like wallet, email and the 12-word pin phrase. The breach was done by infecting the Exodus servers with malware and was...
  19. hacxx

    PacketStream - Make up to $0.10 per GB. Minimum Payout: $5.00

    Requested payment and got paid! If you have a unlimited internet subscription or a internet subscription where you can waste 2 to 3 GB of bandwidth per month then install PacketStream. It's easy to install and it works in the background. Works on Windows and Mac. Download & Register...
  20. hacxx

    PacketStream - Make up to $0.10 per GB. Minimum Payout $5.00

    Requested payment and got paid! If you have a unlimited internet subscription or a internet subscription where you can waste 2 to 3 GB of bandwidth per month then install PacketStream. It's easy to install and it works in the background. Works on Windows and Mac. Download & Register...

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