Результаты поиска

  1. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Most likely your cookies are invalid or missing values for the chatbots. The bot can't and won't send messages from invalid cookies.
  2. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    I will make later a video, the cookie format is the same as from rubot. Are you running on Windows 7 dandf ? I will look later at what is causing the problems.
  3. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    It's no Virus it was to load the application. It's a LoadPE that loads the application itself. I was doing this to protect my code. It doesn't connect to any remote host.
  4. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Man, It's no virus I just obfuscated it too heavy I think. *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  5. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Yeah, what error?
  6. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    You need valid cookies you can paste with a right-click.
  7. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

  8. W

    Youtube ChatBot Private Software

  9. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Added Chatbots. Download: *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  10. W

    Youtube ChatBot Private Software

    Here more spammy : https://streamable.com/2zihts
  11. W

    Youtube ChatBot Private Software

    Here's a video of it. It's not ready yet.
  12. W

    Youtube ChatBot Private Software

    Hi, I've programmed my own chatbot in the last days it's working but it still needs a lot of optimization
  13. W

    YouTube|Twitch Rubot Cracked [In4.Bz]

    You need an API key for the functioning of likes and chatbots.
  14. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    The bot got a new feature Auto Like. When you enable this it will send likes to your video (amount depends on the number of cookies). Download: *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  15. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Edit: Did you put in the full URL? You only need to put in the id it's in the URL after watch?v=.
  16. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Does it work with the stock cookies file? If not can you post a picture of your cookies.txt(censor the sensitive parts)?
  17. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Here's a link to a video that shows the bot in action: https://streamable.com/v0x1j1
  18. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Hi, your results are false-positive the detection is caused by obfuscation and the fact that the application has no icon both trigger false-positive results. And if your afraid you can always run programs in a VM.
  19. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    With this bot, you can reach up to 1400 viewers. You need at least 20 Cookies in order to bot 1K Viewers. The viewer works best at 50 threads. Herunterladen: *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  20. W

    Активация и регистрация софта через бота

    Again I'm sorry I don't speak Russian the instructions were a bit unclear for me I only thought you need to send the hwid again with the hash because it once says Specify App_Hash | HWID and then it says Send me App_Hash | HWID.

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