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  1. W

    YouTube|Twitch RBTools .Net 5 Edition + Ultra update Cracked [In4.Bz]

    Well, Actually I found a bypass for the new update. It exploits a bug Google has built into their system. Just saying it's still possible just exciting to see if they will find another potential bypass or not.
  2. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  3. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    I will look at what's causing the issue, will update you when I know more.
  4. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    It might just not catch the updated cookie, You can try navigating from the switched channel to a video and grab from there.
  5. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    Hm, strange do you get any names twice like "__Secure-3PSIDCC=" in the cookie?
  6. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    Do you mean with the Cookie Grabber or generally? Yes, it's possible just keep the browser open and switch to the other channel, and press grab cookies again.
  7. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    YTBot v3.0.1 -fixed problems related to Google's SSL certificate mismatch. Note: It's only the patch you still need to download the full program from the op. Get the update either by pressing Check For Update inside the bot or download it here: *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для...
  8. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    The problem is on youtube's side they updated something on their server-side. I will post an update shortly.
  9. W

    YouTube YTBot v3.0.0 Live Viewbot & Chatbot

    The Program needs cookies for botting, these cookies need to be in firefox cookie format(e.g. name=value). When you have got the cookies in Netscape format, then you can convert them in the software to the appropriate format. The live Viewbot is currently disabled, it will be available in the...
  10. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    I didn't get much time to work on the bot. For example, the built-in Viewbot isn't working probably yet and the cookie checker isn't fully implemented. I can release it but don't expect it to be fully working. And no I'm still not from India.
  11. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    You need the cookies in text format containing a semicolon-separated list of all cookies (i.e. key=value pairs). Here's a tutorial on how to obtain these cookies https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GjjS4TmhSkK79IAsPkvQooJgggqaR6M8mjXLfK2vd_A/edit. The bot has an auto like function so yeah it's...
  12. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    No, not yet but there will come a version with GUI which will most likely work for everyone.
  13. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    In case it fails to connect try to use a VPN or unblock port 1080 in your router or firewall.
  14. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Update: -optimized ram usage -in case there's no youtube channel created for the account it will generate one with a random name for the chatbot *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  15. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    might be a DNS issue try setting your DNS to DNS) or DNS)
  16. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    There was already a tutorial shared here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GjjS4TmhSkK79IAsPkvQooJgggqaR6M8mjXLfK2vd_A/edit. You have to post the cookies of each account in a new line inside cookies.txt.
  17. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    You didn't get it right? It's already fixed.
  18. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    The number of threads is actually only related to the Viewbot. If you need more concurrent messages in a given time it's possible but not implemented. The only reason I ran 2 threads was because of the bug mentioned above which didn't allow me to bot viewers and chatbot at the same time.
  19. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    For some, the chatbots weren't working as there was a bug in parsing the cookies. Here's the patched version: *** Скрытый текст: У Вас недостаточно прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Посетите тему на форуме! ***
  20. W

    YouTube Proxyless Youtube Livebot (up to 1400 viewers)

    Made a video of the chatbots here: https://streamable.com/i6r5cz .

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