[REPOST] Casa IOL Classificados Full Mail Dump hacked 1 of November of 2019 - Details and Download




On November 1, 2019, the Casa IOL Classificados website suffered a data breach that resulted in the full mail dump of its users being hacked and made publicly available. The site, which is a classified ad platform in Portugal, had its database breached and the personal information of its users, including email addresses and passwords, leaked online.

The impact of this data breach was significant, as the personal information of thousands of users was exposed and made vulnerable to potential identity theft and fraud. Many users reported receiving spam emails and phishing attempts in the wake of the breach, indicating that their personal information had been used for malicious purposes.

The cause of the data breach is unknown, but it is believed to have been the result of a cyber attack. It is possible that the hackers were able to gain access to the site's database through a vulnerability in the website's security or by using stolen login credentials.

Following the breach, Casa IOL Classificados issued a statement apologizing for the incident and reassuring users that they were taking steps to secure their data and prevent future breaches. They also advised users to change their passwords and be vigilant against suspicious emails and other potential scams.

Download the data:

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