(CODING) Brawlhalla offsets + information for making your own cheat




If you don't know what to do with this please don't send me silly questions, this is for advanced users

Entity struct
  1. constexpr DWORD PositionX = 0x458;
  2. constexpr DWORD PositionY = 0x450;
  3. constexpr DWORD VelocityX = 0x330;
  4. constexpr DWORD VelocityY = 0x328;
  5. constexpr DWORD MaxGroundVelocity = 0x360;
  6. constexpr DWORD MaxAirVelocity = 0x478;
  7. constexpr DWORD IsMovingVertically = 0x28;
  8. constexpr DWORD IsFacingLeft = 0x40;
  9. constexpr DWORD IsAttacking = 0x5C;
  10. constexpr DWORD IsFastFalling = 0x80;
  11. constexpr DWORD IsDodging = 0x84;
  12. constexpr DWORD CanDodge = 0x88;
  13. constexpr DWORD IsDirectionLocked = 0xA0;
  14. constexpr DWORD IsStunned = 0x180;
  15. constexpr DWORD IsItemUnderEntity = 0x284;
  16. constexpr DWORD CurrentWeapon = 0x2C0;
  17. constexpr DWORD AirState = 0x108;
  18. constexpr DWORD EdgeState = 0x118;
  19. constexpr DWORD InvincibleState = 0x1B4;
  20. constexpr DWORD EntityState = 0x2E4;
  21. constexpr DWORD FloorState = 0x2E0;
  22. constexpr DWORD JumpCount = 0x1A0;
  23. constexpr DWORD DamageTaken = 0x420;
  24. constexpr DWORD Team = 0x1F8;

  1. static inline LPCSTR entitylist= "\x0E\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x39\x40\x9A\x99\x99\x99\x99\x99\xE9\x3F";
  2. static inline LPCSTR gInput = "\xFE\xFF\xFF\x7F\xFD\xFF\xFF\x7F\x80\x3A\x09\x00\x1E\x00\x00\x00";

NOTE: To get to the start of entitylist you need to take the address sigscanning entitylist gives you and substract 0x3EE from it, same applies to ginput but youll need to substract or add 0x48 to it, depending on your pc (yes its weird)

Gameinput IDs
  1. neutral = 0,
  2. jump = 16,
  3. moveDown = 2,
  4. moveLeft = 4,
  5. moveRight = 8,
  6. aimUp = 33,
  7. heavyAttack = 64,
  8. quickAttack = 128,
  9. dodge = 256,
  10. throwWeapon = 512
> Additional info for making features

You can add the gameinput ID numbers together, for example if you want to do Down light youll need to write 2(moveDown) + 128(quickAttack) to gameinput.
The velocity values in entity struct can be used for making prediction for attackwindup to have more accurate attacks, the velocity gives entitys position in the future in the next 2.604166666666667 ticks (game runs 60 ticks per second fyi)
You can get a certain attacks windup time by going to training tool and enabling power viewer (F8) and seeing how many frames it takes until the first attackhitboxes become visible, then you just calculate 1/60 / attackWindupFrameCount (1/60 gives the time 1 frame takes)

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