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  1. hacxx

    Combos extracted with Hacxx 1-Click Combo v1.3 (March 2021)

    This combos were extracted with Hacxx 1-Click Combo v1.3... To buy your copy, pm me. Download: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/F35DBA54AB.html https://rapidgator.net/file/a01a2d42a5001ababe91e80bc75ab867/Combos_extracted_with_Hacxx_1-Click_Combo_v1.3_(March_2021).rar.html...
  2. hacxx

    xFileSharing Control Client 1.0 - Free Download

    A simple control client for sites using xFileSharing. Some xFileSharing sites are customized and some pages and links are removed by admins. This program makes it easy to navigate in internal pages by pointing directly to that pages. A user just need to select which page the user whats to view...
  3. hacxx

    Appen.com Database leaked June 2020 - Free Download

    In June 2020, the AI training data company Appen suffered a data breach exposing the details of almost 5.9 million users which were subsequently sold online. Included in the breach were names, email addresses and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Some records also contained phone numbers...
  4. hacxx

    Hacxx sms bomber 2021 - Send a sms every 30 seconds to any phone

    Download: https://oxy.st/d/rwud http://gigapeta.com/dl/9608682a7bb620 Virus Scan: Not send to virustotal to avoid been detected, pm me for source...
  5. hacxx


    This archive is the best password revealer tool for hackers. It has 240+ dehashed databases which can be used to easily search for a email with GrepWin and EmEditor to view the text file and find the password. In a test that i made i was able to find the password for multiple emails that i own...
  6. hacxx

    GameSalad ~1M partial combo leaked 24 February 2019 - Free Download

    In February 2019, the education and game creation website Game Salad suffered a data breach. The incident impacted 1.5M accounts and exposed email addresses, usernames, IP addresses and passwords stored as SHA-256 hashes. This is a partial combo containing 1M. On the news...
  7. hacxx

    CashCrate Database leaked June 2017 - Free Download

    In June 2017, news came up that CashCrate had suffered a data breach exposing 6.8 million records. The breach of the cash-for-surveys site dated back to November 2016 and exposed names, physical addresses, email addresses and passwords stored in plain text for older accounts along with weak MD5...
  8. hacxx

    Zomato Database leaked May 2017 - Free download

    Zomato: In May 2017, the restaurant guide website Zomato was hacked resulting in the exposure of almost 17 million accounts. The data was consequently redistributed online and contains email addresses, usernames and salted MD5 hashes of passwords [osCommerce, xt:Commerce | Hashcat Mode: 21] (the...
  9. hacxx

    OGusers database leaked May 2019 - Free Download

    In May 2019, the account hijacking and SIM swapping forum OGusers suffered a data breach. The breach exposed a database backup from December 2018 which was published on a rival hacking forum. There were 161k unique email addresses spread across 113k forum users and other tables in the database...
  10. hacxx

    8Tracks.com Database leaked June 2017 - Free Download

    In June 2017, the online playlists service known as 8Tracks suffered a data breach which impacted 18 million accounts. In their disclosure, 8Tracks advised that "the vector for the attack was an employee’s GitHub account, which was not secured using two-factor authentication". Salted SHA-1...
  11. hacxx

    [NEW] Zynga (Farmville & Mafia Wars) partial cracked database leaked September 2019 - Free Download

    On the News: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dinheirovivo.pt%2Fempresas%2Fataque-a-empresa-de-jogos-mobile-zynga-expoe-dados-de-200-milhoes-de-utilizadores%2F Download: http://q.gs/EzF8V/Zynga_(Farmville_&_Mafia_Wars)_cracked.rar...
  12. hacxx

    Modern Business Solutions leaked October 2016 - Free Download

    In October 2016, a large Mongo DB file containing tens of millions of accounts was shared publicly on Twitter (the file has since been removed). The database contained over 58M unique email addresses along with IP addresses, names, home addresses, genders, job titles, dates of birth and phone...
  13. hacxx

    Zaoree - Get paid to search online. Minimum Payout: €3

    Visit and register https://bit.ly/get-paid-to-search-zaoree
  14. hacxx

    Hacxx - My telegram channel + Poster

    View Channel: https://t.me/s/Hacxx_Underground Post in the Channel: http://nitroflare.com/view/7947DB807349398/Hacxx_Telegram_Poster_V1.1.html
  15. hacxx

    SKTorrent.eu Database email Leak for spam (117406 emails)

    117406 emails separated by a comma from SKTorrent.eu database leak Download: http://evassmat.com/JqwR http://nitroflare.com/view/09EDAA0CB9A46F9/SKTorrent.eu_Database_email_Leak_for_spam.txt
  16. hacxx

    EyeEM DEHASHED 272k | Partial Leak - Free Download

    In February 2018, photography website EyeEm suffered a data breach. The breach was identified among a collection of other large incidents and exposed almost 22M unique email addresses, names, usernames, bios and password hashes. This is a partial leak containing 272k records. Info: EyeEM.com...
  17. hacxx

    Reg {dot} ru - Domains & Hosting

    Promo code: (5% discount) 728F-6EE8-A203-F7E6 Domains http://bit.ly/reg-ru-domains Hosting http://bit.ly/reg-ru-hosting
  18. hacxx

    Hacxx Telegram Poster V1.1 - A tool to share messages on multiple Telegram channels

    Unable to send you a private message.
  19. hacxx

    HoundDawgs.org Database Leak (December 2017) - Free Download

    In December 2017, the Danish torrent tracker known as HoundDawgs suffered a data breach. More than 55GB of data was dumped publicly and whilst there was initially contention as to the severity of the incident, the data did indeed contain more than 45k unique email addresses complete extensive...
  20. hacxx

    eMail Composer v1 - Email writer for Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL...

    eMail Composer is a small app that can be used to send emails from Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and normal mailto protocol. Very easy to use, a user just need to enter the email info and hit Send! Download: http://nitroflare.com/view/5A18C189FDB258A/eMail_Composer_v1.zip Virus Scan...

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