All you need to know about Brave Browser





Brave is a free and open source web browser developed by Brave Software Inc., and based on the Chromium web browser. The browser blocks ads and website crawlers. The company proposed the adoption of a pay-to-surf business model.

Since 2018, Brave supports Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. The current version has five search engines by default, including DuckDuckGo.

Business Model

Brave allows users to support the websites they visit using BAT. Users can earn BAT by watching ads or adding funds to their BAT wallet. Users receive 70% of the revenue generated. The remaining 30% is split between Brave and the ad publisher.

In a trial version of the browser, Brave provides online advertising by analyzing users' anonymous browsing history.

Brave Software's Basic Attention Token ad exchange platform received investment from Danhua Capital, Digital Currency Group, Foundation Capital, Founders Fund, Huiyin Blockchain Venture, Pantera Capital and Propel Venture Partners. Originally incorporated in Delaware as Hyperware Labs, Inc in 2015, they later changed their name to Brave Software, Inc. and registered in California, where the company is based.


Brave is developed by Brave Software, founded on May 28, 2015 by CEO Brendan Eich and CTO Brian Bondy. On January 20, 2016, Brave Software released the first version of Brave with a partial ad blocking feature and announced plans for an ad replacement feature and a profit sharing program.

In June 2018, Brave launched a trial payment version for browser browsing. This version of Brave is preloaded with approximately 250 ads and sends a detailed record of the user's browsing activity to Brave, for the short term purpose of testing this functionality. Brave announced that expanded testing will follow. Later that month, Brave added support for Tor in the private browsing mode of their desktop browser. In December of the same year, Brave calls for a boycott of Google in relation to its advertising practices.

Basic Attention Token

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a decentralized, open source ad exchange platform based on Ethereum. The platform is integrated with the Brave web browser, it is not possible to use or access the platform from any other browser. Brave Payments, which previously used Bitcoin, allows users to send tips to websites and content creators (like YouTube and Twitch streamers) with BAT tokens, similar to patron services like Patreon.

A integração do BAT a um aplicativo envolve a implementação de BAT Ads, um sistema que exibe anúncios aos usuários com base em dados armazenados localmente. A segmentação de anúncios é realizada localmente, eliminando a necessidade de rastreamento de terceiros.[27]

In an initial coin offering on May 31, 2017, BAT sold 1,000,000,000 BATs for a total of 156,250 Ethereum ($ 35 million) in less than 30 seconds. An additional 500,000,000 BAT has been retained by the team for the developer and user growth pool, which is used to promote adoption of the platform.

In addition, the team received at least $ 7 million in angel investments from venture capital firms, including Founders Fund, Propel Venture Partners, Pantera Capital, Foundation Capital and Digital Currency Group.

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